PCORI 2022 Annual Meeting, 2023 Funding Opportunities | Burrows Consulting

PCORI 2022 Annual Meeting, 2023 Funding Opportunities

2022 Annual Meeting

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is an independent, nonprofit research organization offering clinical decision-making software and funding to providers and researchers across the United States. PCORI funds providers conducting comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER), which helps clinicians compare treatments, services and practices to produce better informed clinical decisions. While CER is the primary focus of the organization, PCORI also offers grant funding for engagement in research, dissemination and implementation projects, methodology research and the development of research infrastructure. PCORI is the owner and developer of PCORnet®, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network.

Our firm attended PCORI’s annual meeting in October 2022 to engage in current research initiatives and uncover new funding opportunities. Plenary sessions summarized recent initiatives and reinforced commitments to equity in health research opportunities for both providers and patients. Discussions were focused on current funding endeavors and objectives for the future outlined in the Strategic Plan. Dr. Nakela Cook emphasized the primary objectives of the organization over the coming years:

1.       Enhancing focus on studies comparing the effectiveness of both existing and new interventions, therapies, technologies, care delivery approaches, and healthcare policies

2.       Expanding evidence synthesis capabilities to meet the timely evidence needs of policymakers and payers

3.       Leveraging long-standing role as a convenor of diverse healthcare stakeholders to inform others across the healthcare community about the value of patient-centered research

4.       Strengthening an emphasis on subpopulations in the studies we fund, including patients who could particularly benefit from patient-centered CER results

5.       Re-emphasizing commitment to patient-centeredness, meaningful stakeholder engagement, and supporting ongoing development of the partnerships across the healthcare community that both facilitate and amplify PCORI’s work

2023 Funding Opportunities

While 2022 funding opportunities are closed, several funding opportunities are scheduled to post in the first quarter of 2023. Presenters emphasized the importance of the Letter of Intent stage in the application process. The Letter of Intent allows PCORI to quickly assess if there is a good match between you’re your organization and the program of interest. This stage is extremely competitive, but we are here to help! For additional information about the Letter of Intent stage, see PCORI’s Letter of Intent FAQ.

Project Eligibility

PCORI’s initiatives focus on research, infrastructure, informed clinical decision making and implementation. The Institute funds various types of organizations, including hospitals, colleges, governments and even for-profit entities. See PCORI’s webpage for more information on What and Who PCORI Funds and further eligibility details. You may also contact us to see if your organization’s project may be eligible for PCORI funding.

The application process is rigorous, but organizations receiving awards have produced tremendous results. Our grant writers have the experience necessary to give your organization the best shot at creating a competitive Letter of Intent, submitting a full application, passing the Merit Review process and ultimately winning the award. Stay up to date on PCORI funding opportunities by subscribing to PCORI’s newsletter. Stay up-to-date with Burrows Consulting – we post funding opportunities from PCORI and others on our website and social media when they are available.

PCORI Eligibility

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