Funding Opportunity: $200,000 - Health Center Early Childhood Development (Due March 17, 2023) | Burrows Consulting

Funding Opportunity: $200,000 – Health Center Early Childhood Development (Due March 17, 2023)


Development in children aged 0-5 is crucial and involves rapid physical, cognitive, linguistic, and social-emotional growth. It is important to assess their development through screening and evaluation to identify any issues early, leading to timely treatment and positive health outcomes. 1 in 6 children have developmental or behavioral disabilities, and many have language delays that affect their success in school. Health centers serve over 2.8 million children in this age group, providing an entry point for accessing screening and follow-up services. Enhanced funding for Early Childhood Development (ECD) will improve access to recommended screenings and services, add child development expertise to pediatric practice teams, and enhance developmental services, leading to more effective, timely, and efficient care and satisfied families.

Purpose of Funding: Provide increased developmental screenings and access to appropriate follow-up services for children ages 0-5, and to expand, enhance, and further integrate ECD expertise into care teams.

Eligibility: Health Center Program H80 Grantees Only

Applications Due: March 17, 2023 (supplemental EHB information due April 18, 2023)

Funding Amount: Up to $200,000

Performance Period: 24 Months (September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2025)

Estimated Number of Awards: 150 grants

Funded Activities:

  1. Workforce recruitment, retention, development, and engagement

  2. Patient/caregiver experience

  3. Access and affordability

  4. Population health and health-related social needs

Please contact Burrows Consulting for more information about this opportunity.

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