2023 UDS FINANCIAL PLANNING | Burrows Consulting


Just as health center Quality Assurance teams prepare in advance for upcoming UDS reporting, Finance Teams will also find it beneficial to do some advance preparation.  For example, now is a good time to use a test patient and test encounters to:

·       Verify all insurance companies are mapped to the same primary payer categories as defined for UDS reporting, including the separation of managed care and non-managed care.

·       Verify your tracking is up to date on managed care member months.  If not, now is a good time to access MCE portals to reduce the burden after the new year.

·       Verify contractual adjustments are deducting accurately.

·       Verify charges automatically reclassify as anticipated for secondary insurers or patient responsibility on balances.


·       Because table 9D & 9E are based upon actual revenue collected during the calendar year, now is a good time to begin your tally of retroactive payments and any pay for performance / quality income you have received from insurance companies.

·       Plan to attend the HRSA Webinar below:

·       Do a “first read” of pages 145 – 176 of the 2023 UDS Manual soon.  You may find areas specific to your financial reporting tools or EHR where it may be helpful to do some advance work.

2023 UDS Manual (hrsa.gov)


·       BONUS:  This year HRSA has provided formatted excel spreadsheets for ALL tables. 



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