Funding Opportunity: HRSA Ryan White (RWHAP) New Geographic Service Areas - Due April 3, 2023 | Burrows Consulting

Funding Opportunity: HRSA Ryan White (RWHAP) New Geographic Service Areas – Due April 3, 2023


Purpose of Funding: Provide comprehensive primary health care and support services in an outpatient setting for low-income people with HIV in a new geographic service area(s), as described by the applicant.

Applications Due: April 3, 2023

Funding Amount: Up to $350,000

Performance Period: 23 Months (June 1, 2023 – April 30, 2025)

Required Activities (direct or through referrals):

  1. Counseling for Individuals with Respect to HIV

  2. Targeted HIV Testing

  3. Periodic Medical Evaluations of Individuals with HIV and Other Clinical and Diagnostic Services Regarding HIV

  4. Therapeutic Measures for Preventing and Treating the Deterioration of the Immune System, and for Preventing and Treating Conditions Arising from HIV

  5. Referrals for People with HIV to Appropriate Providers of Health and Support Services


Budget Requirements:

  1. At least 75% ($262,500) of the award must be expended on core medical services (outpatient health services, AIDS Drug Assistance Program treatments, AIDS pharmaceutical assistance, oral health care, mental health services, etc)

  2. At least 50% ($175,000) of the award must be expended on Early Intervention Services (increase awareness of HIV status, facilitate testing and access to HIV care using testing, referral, improve health literacy/education)

  3. See Eligible Individuals & Allowable Uses of Funds for HRSA guidance on budget formulation.


Reporting Requirements:

  1. Progress Report(s) – The recipient must submit a progress report to HRSA on an annual basis. Further information will be available in the NOA.

  2. Allocation Report and Expenditure Report – Submit Allocation Report to HRSA 60 days after budget period starts and Expenditure Report 90 days after budget period ends. Reports should account for allocation and expenditure of grant funds for Core Medical Services, Support Services, Clinical Quality Management, and Administration.

  3. Ryan White Services Report – Submit RSR annually to HRSA to show program performance and accountability. Comply with RSR data requirements and mandate subrecipients to do the same. Check RSR website for more information.

  4. Audits – You must submit audits every two (2) years to the lead state agency for RWHAP Part B, consistent with Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 as codified by HHS at 45 CFR 75 regarding funds expended in accordance with this title and include necessary client-level data to complete unmet need calculations and the Statewide Coordinated Statements of Need process.

  5. Integrity and Performance Reporting – The NOA will contain a provision for integrity and performance reporting in FAPIIS.

Please contact Burrows Consulting for more information about this opportunity.

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